Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I’ve turned cold on the inside,
Like the lost black mitten, buried in the snow
And I am buried too, black and unseen
Frigid and hard, waiting to be found
Or maybe hiding from the world
From the hurt and the scars
From the lies and deceit
Maybe digging deeper in the darkness
Trying to find my home in the bleak, bitter, blackness
A world full of nothing…silence and wounds
Loud screams of muteness, I think its safe here,
Here where no one can find me
No devils, or demons
No eye scorching light
And yes its cold here, freezing even
But the cold has numbed me, made me blue
Yet I’m preserved, in this wintry shelter
And I cant say for sure whether I’m lost or if I’m hiding
But either way no one comes searching or looking in the cold
In the blackness, in the hurt, no one hunting in the pain
Searching for me in the scars
I’ve dug deeper in the darkness, made this place my home
This silent world of nothing…